In the water monitoring industry, Industrial Internet of Things / IoT sensor devices are making water management easier and more cost-effective.

Why? We’d like to share with you some recent stories that have explained how water level monitoring and flood warning systems have been improving with modern technologies.

With water levels rising around the world, extreme and dangerous events like flooding and king tides will happen more often.

Water and flooding risks are dangerous and costly for communities around the world. Early warning systems, like those that have been installed in the U.S., help prevent disasters and keep families safe.

How does the tech industry improve government? StateScoop says it better than I can. StateScoop writes about the latest news, events, leaders, and innovators in state and local government technology. Have a look at this story about how the next generation of flood monitoring systems have been built in Virginia.

Since we’re a software company with 1 product (, we partner with various sensor hardware manufacturers to make sure that our customers deploy effective monitoring systems. Senix is a customer favorite when it comes to companies that make water level sensors.

A recent article focuses on the zone known as Hampton Roads, which is where Chesapeake Bay and the James River intersect. This area has historically been a common victim of hurricanes and heavy storms causing seriously dangerous flooding.

Take a peek at this write-up for more about what’s been done to help this flood prone area. You’ll also see how future + real-time flood predictions are improving with technologies like Industry 4.0, M2M, telemetry, and Industrial IoT sensor devices.

Would you like to learn more about flood warning systems?

Take a gander at our flood monitoring systems page.