is our primary product. is the always available SaaS that receives Industrial IoT, remote monitoring, and sensor telemetry information from our customers around the world.
In this teaser video you’ll see a quick overview of some features available at
After you’ve seen Episode I above, watch Episode II here with more features.
Our APIs give you real-time, web-based dashboards that are customizable with your organization’s logo. If you need any help or have any questions on how to remotely monitor your assets, please don’t hesitate to contact us here!
The Valarmy is super friendly and we love helping folks around the world find solutions to their remote monitoring challenges. Whether it’s water resources management, chemical distribution, flood monitoring systems, tank monitoring, bridges, pollution + air quality monitoring systems, fleet vehicles with industrial equipment, hydraulics + fluid power, or any other industry, we’re happy to help! has your Industrial IoT sensor hardware you need to remotely monitor your assets with
Video voiceover / transcript:
Howdy! This is Edward from Valarm.
Do you, your teams, or business or organization need to remotely monitor assets? In this video you’ll see an easy way to get sensor telemetry information at any time, on any device. is our Industrial IoT software platform that gives you real-time mapping, graphing, tracking, analytics, & sensor data forwarding with APIs.
Valarm is used around the world in industries like water resources management, oil / gas / petroleum, mining, agriculture, industrial cleaning services, governments, and chemical distribution.
On you can see all of your GPS-tagged sensor data on maps. Select a time range and which sensor hub devices you’d like to see on the map. Zoom in and out and click any point to see the sensor telemetry information from that data collection point. You can send sensor data to Valarm Tools Cloud as often as you need it, every minute, every hour, whenever you want. Also you can send the information from your sensors via any internet connectivity like GSM cell network, ethernet, or WiFi, whichever is the most convenient and effective for the assets you need to monitor.
The Device Manager helps you manage and control all of your Valarm devices. You can change device descriptions, colors, and manage subscription credits by setting expiration dates. With you only pay for exactly what you need, so you can enable and disable devices to use your credits effectively.
Use device groups to organize your devices. You can create as many groups as you need, and devices may be placed into any number of groups for totally flexible organization, visualization, and analytics.
Set up multi-user account sharing and management to give administrators and others at your organization permission to view or manage your Industrial IoT and remote monitoring devices.
Our open APIs let you push, pull, and forward your real-time, GPS-tagged, sensor data in various formats like JSON, CSV, KML, and GeoRSS. Use Valarm APIs to connect your remote monitoring information to your web dashboards, and business intelligence and analytics systems like the Esri ArcGIS platform.
Totalizers let you easily keep track of how much an asset is being used. Totalizers are running totals of sensors like flow meters that track and count water usage.
You can also use totalizers to know how long your assets have been running in a particular way. For example, how much time has passed since a switch was flipped on, how long has your generator been running, how long has the temperature been above, below or within your custom threshold, how efficiently are you running your operations or when is it time to run the recommended maintenance routines on your assets?
Set up alerts to get an email message on your phone when any sensor reading goes too high, too low, or inside or outside of your desired range.
That’s a quick teaser overview of a few Valarm Tools Cloud features. There’s a bunch more at, so sign up, connect your sensors and give it a try. You’ll find your Industrial IoT sensor hardware at
More info on these features and additional ones are on our webpage at Thank you for watching, and if you’ve got any questions or would like a demo, then please don’t hesitate to contact us at