Your remote monitoring systems need to be flexible.

You’re likely aware that there’s no 1-size-fits-all system solution that will work for Industrial IoT sensors.

We believe that’s a key factor for why we get along so well with our customers. There are a wide variety of monitoring needs and the most effective telemetry solution takes careful thought and planning.

Working with various industries over the years, like flood warning systems and water wells, we’ve learned through experiences in the field what’s most important.

In the photos on this page you’re seeing peek into the inner guts of a variety of remote monitoring systems we’ve designed and built with our customers in the USA.

These systems monitor various sensors like:

  • Fluids and Water Levels (Storm Surge, Flooding, Tanks, Water Wells, Anything Else)
  • GPS location
  • Industrial Sensors that output sensor standards like 4-20 mA and PWM – e.g., flow meters, temperature, environmental, and air quality gas sensors

Since is an open platform, you, your teams, and your organization can monitor just what you need. This way you’ll save your time and money.

You can also see the flexibility of these monitoring systems gives you plenty of room for expansion.

Your organization can easily add additional sensors if that’s something you need to do down the road.

The power systems are flexible as well – some systems are powered by batteries, some by standard mains like 110V, and some by solar panels. We’ll work with you to find the monitoring solution that makes sense for your specific scenarios.

International sensor standards have been around for decades, which means you can use sensors made by just about any hardware manufacturer since most sensors output standard signals like:

In the photos you’re seeing hardware and sensors made by a variety of hardware manufacturers.

Our product at Valarm is our software,, which receives sensor measurements and information from hardware made by Flowline, Yoctopuce, Geokon, Clair Air, SeametricsSenix, and other companies.

You’re seeing screenshots of software and custom web dashboards that help you, your teams, and your organization to save your time, your money, and improve your business operations to work for efficiently.

Your software is key for remote monitoring since it lets you do things with your valuable assets you’re monitoring, like:

  • Mapping (2D & 3D)
  • Graphing
  • Alerting
  • APIs for Connecting, Forwarding, and Integrating with Business Intelligence Systems
  • Automatic Calculations
  • Visualization
  • Analytics

Your overview of monitoring industrial equipment with Industrial IoT sensors has come to an end.

Take a gander at our Customer Stories and Web Dashboards to see how organizations in various industries, like government agencies and natural resources, use to make their lives more relaxed and easier.




Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’ve got any questions.

We’re here to help you deploy your most effective monitoring systems.

Send us a message at