***Note: The description below is from our legacy Android app. We recommend you use dedicated Valarm connector devices, like WiFi or GSM sensor hubs for your Industrial IoT sensor monitoring applications, remote monitoring, water + fluids telemetry, and sensor deployments.
Dedicated Industrial IoT sensor hubs are more reliable, readily available, cost-effective, and flexible than Android phones or tablets.
You can use Valarm Industrial IoT, telemetry and remote sensor monitoring solutions with any of the following connector devices:
Your sensor measurements are GPS-tagged, time-stamped, and sent to Tools.Valarm.net via any internet connectivity like WiFi, ethernet, or cell network.
With Valarm Tools Cloud, you’ll find services for mapping, graphing, and APIs to help you with your real-time, geo-enabled sensor monitoring and Industrial IoT solutions.
Have a look at our Customer Stories page for stories, use cases, remote monitoring, telemetry, + Valarm Industrial IoT applications.
Also see how Web Dashboards help you with Remote Monitoring, Telemetry, Sensors & Industrial IoT.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need help with deploying an Industrial IoT application or have any questions!
Your sensor hubs and sensors are available at Shop.Valarm.net

Rooted + unlocked Sony Xperia U ST25a ready for real-time, mobile, remote monitoring with the Valarm Pro app
You’ll learn how to unlock and root your Sony Xperia U Android step-by-step in this Valarm tutorial. We recommend the Valarm Pro app with dedicated Sony Xperia U ST25 devices to transform an Android device into a station for remote environmental monitoring, mobile data acquisition, and asset / vehicle tracking. This tutorial is for Mac OS X machines although you may adapt it to work with other operating systems.
- You’ll need to install the Android SDK on your local machine if you haven’t already and take a note of where you install it.
- Get the Bin4ry zip file from xdadevelopers and unzip it on your computer. Here we used a Macbook Air with Mac OS X 10.9.2 to root these Android devices. You will be using basic unix and linux commands like cd to do this with the Mac OS X Terminal command prompt. Below is a screenshot of the xdadevelopers webpage where you will download the script for rooting your Android Sony Xperia.

Get the Bin4ry zip file from this xdadevelopers page by clicking Download
- After you have downloaded the zipped script files, open up the folder where you downloaded the compressed file using Mac OS X finder. Then double click the file to unzip it to a new folder.
Next, download this modified RunMeMod.sh file that will use the android-sdk tools you downloaded rather than the ones included with the file from xda-developers. [Advanced users note: if you want to modify the RunMe.sh file yourself all we did is change the references in the shell script to call adb using your PATH to the android-sdk as set up below, instead of calling the adb included in the stuff folder in the root contents.] We found this modified file worked best for us to root our Sony Xperia U ST25s! Put the RunMeMod.sh file in your folder with the unzipped root contents and then we’ll do the rest from the Terminal.
- Make sure adb or platform tools is accessible in your PATH by doing the echo command in the line below. Insert your path to the Android SDK platform-tools folder.
echo ‘export PATH=$PATH:/[path]/[to]/[android-sdk]/platform-tools/’ >> ~/.bash_profile

Type the echo command above into your Terminal using the folder where you installed your android-sdk and hit enter

After updating your PATH you can use ‘more .bash_profile’ to verify Android SDK platform tools are in your path
Next you’ll do the final steps in preparing for rooting and unlocking your Android. Here’s a description of what’s going on in the screenshot above:
- Use ‘ls‘ to see a list of the current directories contents.
- Use the ‘cd‘ command to change directory into your Bin4ry_vXX folder
- Use ‘ls -l‘ to see a list of files in the current directory and the read-write-execute privileges of your files
- Verify that the RunMeMod.sh file is executable by typing ‘chmod +x ./RunMeMod.sh‘
You see the last step in the screenshot above:
- Make sure USB debugging is enabled on your Sony Android device under Settings – Developer options
- Run the script with your Sony Xperia U device connected: ‘./RunMeMod.sh‘
- When prompted, select 2) Xperia Root by cubeundcube.
That’s it! Now you can use autoreboot on your Industrial IoT Sensor Monitoring Device for long running applications in the field. You can also use the Valarm Start on Boot option and Restart Mode – Armed setting to make sure Valarm Pro is always running and monitoring what you want to monitor. You can get Valarm compatible sensors and USB OTG Host + Charging Y Cables at shop.valarm.net. Use Valarm Tools Cloud and Valarm’s APIs to measure your geo-tagged, time-stamped sensor data in real-time wherever and whenever you need it.

With your Valarm devices rooted, unlocked, and rebooting regularly you can monitor anything, anywhere, any time!

Valarm deployment monitoring indoor air quality and CO2.