Your features have been updated and improved.

Our customers, like You, have requested additional functionality for downloading Industrial IoT sensor data in CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format.

For example, here are some of the customer software feature requests we’ll talk about:

  • Zipping and compressing sensor data downloads
  • Easily customizable calendars with to and from dates for sensor data downloads
  • You can now download even huger amounts of data with many thousands of records (contact us if you need even more)
  • Choices to sort IoT sensor data file as ascending or descending by date
  • Custom column / field names for your sensor measurements, e.g., rather than “4-20mA channel 1”, you’ll receive the “WaterLevel” field from your flood warning systems monitoring water levels, which probably makes more sense to you and your teams at your organization

In this write-up, we’ll cover what’s mentioned above – these new software features for CSV sensor data downloads from

After you’ve logged in to your and you’re ready to download your Industrial IoT sensor data in CSV format, click the name of your IoT device in your Device Manager.

Now on your device details page, you can use the drop down menu to select which column layout you want to show and use for your CSV sensor data download.

This tutorial will guide you step-by-step for setting up custom column field names and aliases if you haven’t already done that.

Next up you’ll click the Download CSV button in the left part of your web browser view. We’ve added red arrows in the screenshots here to make it even easier for you to see what we’re talking about in each step.

Once you’ve clicked your download CSV button you’ll see a new window pop up where you can configure your options. Use the calendars for the From and To fields to customize what starting and ending dates you want to include in your IoT sensor data file.

Then under your Column Layout option, you’ll use the drop down menu to choose which of your custom column field layouts you’d like to use. You can select “All Standard Fields” if you want everything with the default field names.

Last, you’ll decide how you’d like your CSV sensor data file to be sorted / ordered from top to bottom, whether latest sensor data is at the top or bottom of your file, you’ll pick either:

  • Descending by Date
  • Ascending by Date

Once you’ve got your settings adjusted to your tastes, click the green Go! button to start the servers processing your sensor data, preparing a fresh dish with your download choices, and then automatically downloading your .zip file containing your hot off the shelf, brand new CSV sensor data file.

Unzip your file after downloading your IoT sensor device data from . Then open your CSV file in the program of your choice, e.g., Microsoft Excel. You’ll see a screenshot in this blog post where we’ve downloaded sensor measurements and labeled custom column names with Calculators like interpolators and calibrators. Now that you’ve successfully download your IoT sensor information in CSV format, you can edit, analyze, import into other programs like the Esri ArcGIS platform, or anything else to your heart’s delight!

That’s your overview of your new CSV data download feature. You can use it with any business analytics and intelligence systems you have, like Microsoft Excel. These software features work with your sensors from any hardware manufacturer around the world, whether you like to use sensors made by Flowline, Senix, Geokon, Clair Air, or any other company like those you see our customers using in their web dashboards.


Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at

We’ll help you, your teams, and your organization to save your time and your money by being more effective with Industrial IoT sensor monitoring systems.