Solar-powered Valarm water monitoring system in Nebraska that’s connected to Tools.Valarm.net via long-range WiFi
UPDATE: Have a look at this Web Dashboard for Remotely Monitoring Water Wells.
Tools.Valarm.net gives you Industrial IoT (IIoT) solutions for water monitoring. Your organization will effectively monitor water with a web dashboard where you and your teams can view real-time information on water usage from telemetry sensors like:
Pawel & Edward from Valarm went to Nebraska this spring to help the North Platte Natural Resources District (NPNRD) deploy more water flow and water usage monitoring stations! To do this water monitoring we deployed additional Valarm systems with the following:
- Ethernet sensor hub
- PWM sensor adapter
- McCrometer EA618-02 water flow sensor
We teamed up with Vistabeam (a local, long-range WISP) to securely connect the remote Valarm sensor monitors to Tools.Valarm.net. The water monitoring units are powered via solar panels and make the water flow sensor data available from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. In southwestern Nebraska the North Platte NRD monitors the aquifer and how much water is being used. In the past they’ve spent substantial time and money driving to thousands of water monitoring sites to manually read the meters once a year then input the water data into their Esri ArcGIS (Geographic Information System) platform.
Valarm sensor solutions remotely monitor this water flow and water usage information in real-time – saving lots of time and money. Additionally, if a pump or meter stops working or starts leaking then notifications won’t have to wait for the once a year check-up. These Valarm water monitor units are deployed at:
- Agricultural sites
- Feedlots
- Feeds
- Center pivot irrigation units
- Fish farms
- Any other locations that need remote environmental monitoring
Once the Valarm sensor data is uploaded to the Tools.Valarm.net it’s available for mapping, graphing, download, and analysis. Take a gander at the screenshots on this page showing how to use Valarm Tools Cloud to remotely monitor water.
See this page for step-by-step guided video tutorials on how to connect your Valarm sensors and connector devices to the cloud.
Using Valarm APIs (e.g., JSON & CSV), all geo-enabled sensor data is available in real-time at any webpage or internet endpoint of your choice.

Valarm Tools Cloud water flow and usage sensor data graph from http://tools.valarm.net
Below are a few more pictures from of this recent deployment in the field, we’re loving Nebraska more on each trip. Note that this is a next round / follow-up to a previous blog post for water flow and usage monitoring, which you can learn more about by clicking here.
We’re looking forward to more water and liquid monitoring in addition to thousands of other types of sensors we can monitor! Ready to remotely monitor with Tools.Valarm.net? You can get your Industrial IoT hardware, connector devices, and sensors available in the Valarm Hardware Shop at Shop.Valarm.net.
Note that this is a follow-up story / blog post to an earlier write-up on water usage and flow monitoring (click here to see the original) with the NPNRD in Nebraska.
Does your organization need to monitor water?
We can literally monitor anything, anywhere so please don’t hesitate to contact us at Info@Valarm.net if you’ve got any questions.