Perhaps you already noticed that your Device Manager layout has changed when you logged into your account.

Based on feedback from customers like You, we feel that this new design makes more sense. It’s simple, easy to use, and gets the job done effectively.

We’ve also made the Device Manager page the default starting page after you log in. This way you immediately get a quick overview of your Industrial IoT sensor devices.

With this simpler layout, you can see a lot more devices at a time on your screen. Remember to customize your device colors so they’re easy to spot.

You can also assign your devices to device groups for easier management. For example, if you’re monitoring 50 flood warning systems and managing 100 water wells, then organize your IoT devices into device groups to make your life easier.

We’re constantly adding new software features to improve your IoT sensor monitoring experiences. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at if you’ve got any suggestions, ideas, or would just like to say howdy and that you appreciate the improvements!