Update: This blog post is from our legacy app. Today, we recommend you use sensor hubs instead of phones to monitor your Industrial IoT sensors with Tools.Valarm.net.

Sensor hubs are more reliable, power-efficient, cost-effective, readily available, and overall superior for Industrial IoT monitoring systems.

You’ll find sensor hubs, sensors, and kits available on Shop.Valarm.net

Have a look at our Customer Success Stories page to learn how organizations save time, money, and lives by using Tools.Valarm.net with IoT sensors and monitoring systems.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at Info@Valarm.net if you’ve got any questions.






1.  In this tutorial we’ll connect our Valarm device to Valarm Tools Web and sync our data.  First, get Valarm in the app store.  We recommend devices running Android 3.1 or newer install Valarm Pro, which includes support for external USB sensors.  Valarm Classic is available for devices running Android older than 3.1.


2.  Now you’re ready to use Valarm Tools web features


3.  Create an account on Valarm Tools at tools.valarm.net by clicking Register Now.


4.  Enter your new user registration details then click register.  You will receive a confirmation email after you register.  Click the confirmation link in the email to finish the creation of your Valarm Tools account.


5.  Now back on your Valarm mobile device under All Settings click Web Integration.


6.  Under Web Integration we will enter the details of our account we just created on Valarm Tools Web.  In this menu you can also set options such as whether or not you want Valarm data to automatically synchronize and upload whenever an alert is triggered, if you want to SSL encrypt data sent to Valarm Tools, synchronize only when there is a WiFi connection, and other options.  The auto-delete synced data can be a good idea to turn on, if it is checked then alerts successfully synced to the web will automatically be deleted from the local device’s database.

This means your log on the device will be empty if all alerts have been successfully uploaded.  Click the question mark help button next to each option for in-depth details.  Enter your information from your Valarm Tools account registration done earlier, give your device a nickname, accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, then click “Link Now” and you’re good to go!


7.  Now if you have turned on Auto-sync alerts to web your Valarm data will be uploaded automatically whenever there is an available internet connection.  Otherwise you will see options to click and upload unsynced Alerts on the home screen and Alert Log such as below.


8.  After you have synced alerts from your Valarm mobile device to Valarm Tools Web, login and look at your Valarm data on tools.valarm.net.  Purchase credits if you haven’t already in order to access Analytical Mapping, Command Center, Public Tracking, Device Manager, and more!


9. The video below shows you how to manage your Valarm Tools Cloud credits for your devices.