Since we released Valarm in the Google Play store in December we have been spreading the good word and growing through a variety of methods including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and CrunchBase. We’ve now got a handful of clients around the world in Australia, United Kingdom, Hungary, United States, Italy, Brazil, and Switzerland.
We created a Valarm Press Kit and then started thinking where to distribute it, following advice from some of our favorite online mentors such as Rework by 37signals and Paul Graham of Y Combinator.
We’ve begun generating a little press and made a Valarm in the Press page to keep track of it.
To get our feet wet in the big, new (to us) world of PR. we started at home: by writing to University of California, Santa Barbara where Edward did his doctorate degree. The good folks in his department generously published our first article about Valarm.
Next we began writing to online magazines and blogs such as Directions Magazine where they published an article about Valarm and made a permanent company page for Valarm.
Very soon after the Directions mention, we had a fun moment when we realized had somehow discovered Valarm and put up an article about Valarm’s media and sensor capabilities.
Searching the web for fleet tracking outlets we found Work Truck Magazine where they published a write-up on Valarm Fleet Tracking. Next we contacted the editors at Telematics Wire and GISCafé where they published the Valarm Press Kit.
One of Edward’s students from Poland whom he taught in Spain runs the Geoawesomeness blog which is another nice fit for Valarm.
Most recently we discovered through Twitter an article on!, basically they copied our entire page on the consumer uses of Valarm.
Also check out Josh Ong’s awesome article about Valarm’s affordable remote monitoring at The Next Web.
Where to next?
We’re continuously searching for more outlets to get the word out about
Send us a message ( ) if you’d like to write an article and would like anything in addition to the Valarm Press Kit.