How do you monitor water quality sensors?
You’ll learn here just how to use to monitor water quality with Industrial IoT sensors.
The sensors you’re seeing in the photos measure water conductivity / resistivity.
These water quality sensors are special for sanitary use, since our customers needed them to meet Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) national sanitarian standards.
These Valarm monitoring systems are used by water treatment plant managers and geologists in the USA to manage water quality and keep water quality at safe levels. Since these water sensors are the sanitary flange versions, the sensors include traceability certificates from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), which meet USP requirements. is an open software platform compatible with international sensor standards. Like most industrial sensors, these Georg Fischer / GF Signet water quality sensors output their readings as 4-20 mA measurements.
Here are the key components you’ll need for sanitary or other IoT-based water monitoring systems:
Sensor hubs to upload your sensor measurements to (GSM cell networks, ethernet, CDMA, WiFi)
- Sensor adapters to measure sensor standard outputs (4-20mA in this case, but you can also integrate 0-10V, RS-232, RS-485 Modbus, SPI, PWM Pulses, Electrical Resistance, and other sensor standards)
- GF Signet Sensors (e.g., Model 2850 for water conductivity / resistivity, or 2734 for pH / ORP [Oxidation-Reduction Potential] ) along with their matching 4-20mA output boxes or transmitters
You’ll power your water monitoring systems with your choice of power.
If your deployment scenario needs solar panel power you can use that, or your organization can use standard 110V mains power or any other power source.
Once your sensor hubs are linked to, your water quality sensor information will automagically flow up to the clouds in real-time, as often as you need it.
You can map, graph, analyze, and alert to your heart’s content with Valarm Tools Cloud and your water quality sensors, or any other sensors like water level sensors and flood warning systems.
In this story you’ve probably noticed a few sample screenshots of 3D maps and charts with water quality sensor measurements.
The images are from the systems in the photos, with my hand dipping into the water to demo your Industrial IoT water quality monitoring capabilities.
Our customers use off the shelf hardware like solar panels and batteries that you can purchase from your favorite source. Sensor hardware is available at and your monitoring software is always available 24/7 at
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at