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17 03, 2014

Valarm Video Interview at Geodesign Summit

By |blog, How To Use Valarm, Valarm Tech and Infrastructure, Videos|0 Comments|

The interview above was done by Todd Danielson of GeoSpatial Stream at the Esri Geodesign summit. [...]

3 03, 2014
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    Retrofitting Old Serial RS-232 Sensors for the Cloud and Android USB

Retrofitting Old Serial RS-232 Sensors for the Cloud and Android USB

By |blog, How To Use Valarm, Valarm in the Wild, Valarm Tech and Infrastructure|0 Comments|

Years ago, serial ports were the way to go for computers talking to external [...]

13 10, 2012
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    Integrating Industrial IoT Sensor Measurements with and Microsoft Excel

Integrating Industrial IoT Sensor Measurements with and Microsoft Excel

By |blog, How To Use Valarm|0 Comments|

With, you can import any Valarm data into other external programs such as [...]