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12 01, 2015

Press and PR Update – Winter 2015

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Recent press has brought exciting customers using for monitoring Industrial IoT sensors.

Our IoT [...]

31 12, 2014

Analytical Mapping with Valarm Tools Cloud

By |blog, How To Use Valarm, Videos|0 Comments|

How do you map, graph, analyze, and download your real-time sensor data once it’s [...]

6 11, 2014

Precision Agriculture / Viticulture + Real-Time Mapping

By |blog, How To Use Valarm, Valarm in the Wild, Valarm Tech and Infrastructure|0 Comments|

Precision agriculture can be quite expensive + challenging, yet ranches are driven to optimize production. [...]

3 03, 2014
  • Permalink Gallery

    Workshop on Monitoring IoT Sensors with and Esri

Workshop on Monitoring IoT Sensors with and Esri

By |blog, Conferences, How To Use Valarm|0 Comments|

Valarm and Esri will present a mobile sensors workshop at the AGILE 2014 conference [...]

21 01, 2014

Valarm At 2014 Esri Public Sector CIO Summit

By |blog, Valarm in the Wild, Valarm Tech and Infrastructure|0 Comments|

Last week we had a booth at the Esri Public Sector CIO Summit! The conference [...]

31 12, 2012

Valarm in the Field: Europe

By |blog, Valarm in the Wild|2 Comments|

Happy Holidays from Valarm to everyone!  Here are some screenshots of Valarm on the [...]

3 12, 2012

Huawei U8150 / T-Mobile Comet

By |blog, How To Use Valarm|0 Comments|

The T-Mobile Comet (Huawei U8150) is a very small phone with a very economical [...]

6 11, 2012

Import Valarm Data into Google Earth

By |How To Use Valarm|0 Comments|

This tutorial shows you how to visualize your Industrial IoT sensor data in 3 [...]

30 10, 2012

Use Valarm to capture photos and audio

By |How To Use Valarm|0 Comments| monitors sensors made by any hardware manufacturer.

Your sensor hubs gather data measurements and [...]

28 10, 2012

Performance and Bandwidth Conservation

By |blog, Industry News, Valarm Tech and Infrastructure|0 Comments|

Valarm and big, fat JSON and KML (Jason and his Camel?)
The Valarm Tools [...]