Valarm Tools Cloud’s Analytical Mapping tool enables up-to-the-minute as well as full-historical browsing of all activity, plotted on an interactive map. Advanced tools allow plotting of paths and coverage areas for groups of alarms, colored-coded by your device configuration. The path tools display distances traveled, average speed, and other statistics. There is a button to plot sensor values as well.  You may download CSV or KML files of the data points in your working search results at any time. The CSV file allows you to work with the data in advanced statistical or GIS tools including ESRI ArcGIS, Quantum GIS, Excel, etc. The KML file can be imported into Google Earth for incredible data-visualization possibilities.

On you’ll see all of your Industrial IoT sensor information, like location, water, fluid, environmental and other telemetry / remote monitoring data.

Sensor hubs, packages, kits, and Industrial IoT sensors are available at

Would you like a custom web-based dashboard with maps, graphs, and tools specifically for you, your team, or your organization? Have a look at Valarm’s Web Dashboards for Remote Monitoring, Telemetry, Sensors & Industrial IoT.

Also see our Customer Stories page with more stories / use cases of Industrial IoT applications in various industries like natural resources, petroleum, agriculture, state & local government, oil & gas.